no more kool aid
JoinedPosts by no more kool aid
Sylvia Plath (Writer, Poet)
by alias inso i picked a book at the library recently containing a few years of sylvia plath's published journals.. never read her before and knew little about her story.. i started reading and felt like i was experiencing another version of myself.. where was i at age 18?
a repressed writer longing to fit into this world.. my first 25 years were sacrificed to 'right around the corner.'.
ever since i've been a budding creative.. still, her words and story haunt me.. .
Starting to read Crisis of Conscience....
by confuzzled777 inafter almost 2 years of being wrongfully disfellowshipped and over a year after finding this site....i am starting to read crisis of conscience.
i will not lie....i am a bit nervous as to what information i will find in the book.
i have a strong feeling that i will end up crying through most of it as i will start to see the truth about the "truth".
New Member
by Twisty inhi.
my wife and myself are active witnesses.. before i go into great depth about our past and what brings me here, i would like to make sure i am posting this in the right section.. i'm a little technologically retarded so please bear with me.. .
Hello - new
by freshstart inhi, just wanted to introduce myself.
born-in, as was my husband.
we were both baptized as teens, married when we were teens (he was early 20s) and we were both the "perfect" witnesses.
A question for the ladies
by I quit! ini'm wondering if all women are like this.
my wife is always saying she doesn't have any shoes to go with this or that.
right now we're getting ready to go on vacation.
no more kool aid
Let's just say you ran into some black shoes in her closet. Well you need black shoes for summer and winter, open toed and closed toe, leather and cloth, casual and dressy......that's just black so you see she needs alot of shoes. Look on the bright side she doesn't need meeting and service shoes anymore! NMKA
How long did Conventions used to be?
by donuthole ini remember as a child in the 1980's attending four day conventions.
i know in the past conventions were even longer.
does anyone know how long they use to last and the approximate years?
no more kool aid
I love that you put this under child abuse! Eight day assembly is indeed child abuse, I was at the 8 day in Atlanta ( I think 1968?). Then I remember a stretch of 4 day conventions, there might have been some 5 day, where you were suppose to go out in service 1/2 day in some horrible neighborhood with your family. It all runs together because my parents were zealots who did preassembly work and post assembly work at several different locations during the summer (what a great summer experience for a kid) anyway hard to remember where my misery left off and hoplessness began haha. My children (now out for 3+ years) cannot believe that the convention was eight days with evenings too, they say "what could they have talked about for that long"!? NMKA
Would you go back if you thought there were one in a million chances you were wrong?
by Paul Duda inoften i wake up in a cold sweat wondering if i'm wrong.
life is short.
i have only a brief time to make a decision.
no more kool aid
Paul, I think you need to read both Steve Hasaan books again about how cults work on your psyche. However, I think we all have a measure of the feelings you are experiencing depending on how long you have been out, but then again it is a result of a life time of mental conditioning. I hope you can make peace with your decision. NMKA
Name Things That Are Unique To Jehovah's Witnesses
by minimus inthey are the only religion that i know of that disapprove of a college education.
they alone believe in the significance of 1914. they exclusively believe that christ jesus is michael the name a few.. what can you add to the list?.
no more kool aid
Spending your vacation (usually during the most gorgeous week of summer), getting up at the crack of dawn, getting your whole family in dress clothes, driving to a stadium, standing in line to be the first in the door for a day of pure misery, waiting in line to pee in a hot bathroom that smells like grim death and eating a lunch that you have had stuffed under your ass all day, walking out like cattle to a parking lot 2 miles away pushing grandma in a wheelchair with a baby throwing up on you and doing it again the next day. NMKA
The (study) WT November 2011 Makes Me Puke !
by Hairyhegoat inthis study edition is an absolute attack on kids going to higher education, and you all are getting too cosy at home with your sky tv and the internet, get out on the doors you idle dogs.. oh and if you have a good job already you could not be putting the kingdum first !.
here is some of the crap in the mag, and the article temporary residents in a wicked world.. 10. .
in view of the imminent end of the present system of things, as jehovahs servants.
no more kool aid
One of the huge problems with this article that was shoved down my throat 30 years ago (nothing ever changes) is that the bare minimum of education that you need to "get by" has changed colossally. You could "get by" with a high school education then. Where does that leave the now 40, 50, 60 year old witnesses?? No where! The cycle continues, they have nothing to offer their children but a massive brain drain. NMKA
Living as a gay Jehovah's Witness - My Story!
by TimothyT in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:compatibility> <w:breakwrappedtables /> <w:snaptogridincell /> <w:wraptextwithpunct /> <w:useasianbreakrules /> </w:compatibility> <w:browserlevel>microsoftinternetexplorer4</w:browserlevel> </w:worddocument> </xml><!
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it wasn't a feeling of rebellion; it was the feeling of love and care i desired.
no more kool aid
Great story! So many gay folks in the organization, especially in the past, go ahead get married have kids and then realize they can't live a lie anymore. By then so many lives are messed up. I am so glad you decided to be true your yourself. NMKA